Our Princess

Our Princess
Our Miracle

March 28, 2009

A little update on our lives

Ok, we are all feeling 100% better. We've been spending pretty much all of our time outside since the weather has been just awesome! Kaylee loves for us to prop the back door open so she can come in and out, she just explores everything outside and loves it! And our yard is fenced in with a lock and an alarm if the gate opens......shes safe! I"m so glad she is an outdoors toddler and she is becoming our lil tom girl, she likes to get pretty and dirty! hahahah Just like mommy was!

I have started an excerise program with my girlfriend Amy and we are going to lose this weight and be tone in 90 days! hahaha It feels so good to workout, it maybe hard but I do enjoy it.....lol we'll see what I say in a few more weeks! :)

On the adoption front......we are now finally on the waiting list. We had a bit of a delay after our homestudy but it got worked out and we are just waiting and praying for a call! I just can't wait for another baby!

I think that covers it all!

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