Our Princess

Our Princess
Our Miracle

December 30, 2008

The Potty

OMG OMG OMG Kaylee just poopy'd in the potty! Yes it was a mess and she sort of got it everywhere but WOW, I'm SOOOOOO PROUD of her! She didn't even tell me she had to go she just went and brought me her cushie seat(ummm with poo on it)LOL
She has been doing so great during the day the past few days! We switched her from the potty chair to the lil seat that goes on the big potty and she loves it. I just let her run around with just a shirt on for now so when she needs to go she can just go and not worry about anything, sometimes she'll have panties on but they seem to get in the way! :) Here in a bit we'll work on having panties on a having to pull them down to go!

Kaylee is doing soooo well and is being such a big girl!

GOOD JOB Sweetie.....mommy and daddy are very proud of you as always! :)

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