Ok so Kaylee LOOOOOVES watermelon! I bought a piece of one the other day and Kaylee couldn't wait for mommy to unwrap it and cut it for her! SOOOOO she got the watermelon off the counter, unwrapped it, got her own play knife, put it on the chair and went to town! LOL I just died laughing when I caught her doing this, I just love her independence sometimes, its just too cute
Our Princess
Our Miracle
April 27, 2009
UMMMMM its Watermelon time!
A Silly Sleeping Beauty
I had to share the many funny sleeping positions that we have captured of Kaylee! Seriously, I just die laughing sometimes and others we are like "how uncomfy" and move her! These photos are taken at all hours of the day and night, the earliest I took one was 4:30am(yes I'm nuts taking pics at 4:30am)
We moved her leg back to the bed after the pic! Looks like it might hurt if she slept too long like this! :)
This is the 4:30am pic! I was just checking on her and this is how she was! We have no clue when or how she,her sippy,blanket and doggie ended up there! After pics and giggling I put her back in bed LOL
Just look at how beautiful she is!
April 26, 2009
Where has time gone!
Kaylee is 2 1/2 and we just can't believe it! In 6mon she will be 3! We always knew that the time would fly by but wow has it! She is just the most precious little sweetie and I still can't believe just how blessed we are to have her! Its been 2yrs of being a mommy and sometimes I still just stare at her like "WOW she is ours" She finally doesn't cry when I drop her off to preschool and I found even when she did it was all for show....she stopped the moment I walked out of the room! She is really starting to love playing with other lil ones and has a few friends! One is Gavin at preschool, she says she yikes chasing him! hahaha Then there is Lilly and Asher, she says they are her BEST FRIENDS and she just LOVES to have to them over or go to there house! She loves to play with the dogs, mostly chase them with things and loves to play outside! I think she'd live outside if we'd let her! Its wonderful to watch her explore the yard
She can be quiet challenging sometimes(ok recently a lot of sometimes) but my goodness is she smart. Daddy and I are about to lose our minds trying to figure out how to deal with her but I think we are getting there! LOL She has quiet a little mouth on her these days and we are just floored at what she says and how she talks back. I honestly didn't know a 2 1/2yr old talked back so well...thought we had years before that happened! LOL
She is just a dream come TRUE!!
April 21, 2009
Easter 2009
What a wonderful day we had! We had our 1st Easter dinner at our house with both of our families here! Dinner was wonderful thanks to my mom, she is the cook (not me) Then afterwards Jason, Jolie and I headed out to hide easter eggs for Kaylee and Austin(my step nephew)! Kaylee had a blast! Austin was a sweet as pie and helped Kaylee and shared his eggs! We ended the day with Jason, Kaylee and I just hanging out in the backyard playing and running around with the dogs! (they had a fun day too, they got some ham!)