Our Princess

Our Princess
Our Miracle

February 23, 2009


After starting the process of adoption in Aug 08 we are finally and officially........ Paper Pregnant, which means we are beginning the process of waiting for the call! We had our homestudy yesterday and it went great! The caseworker said our profile and scrapbook looked great. Of course us and our house passed with flying colors. It will take about two weeks for her to type up everything and to get our profile out there for viewing but we are done with the preadoption stuff now! We will get a call to let us know when our book will start being shown. The average wait for a cauc baby is 15-18 months. However that doesn't mean it will take that long and it could take longer all depends on what birthmom likes us! We are praying we get match within a few months, wouldn't that be great! We can't wait to add a new addition to our family and for Kaylee to have that special bond of having a brother/sister!

Once our book is being shown I will call or email once a month R(I will use abbv for peoples names) for updates, such as if we have been shown.

1 comment:

Mandie said...

Congrats again April!!

Our Family!

Our Family!