For a early birthday gift we finally took Kaylee up in the Balloon Voyage at Conner Prairie this weekend! She has wanted to go up in a balloon and particlly at Conner Prairie for a while!
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day for it, a little cool at first but great! A little breezy at first so we had to wait a couple hours to go up in the balloon.
Kaylee loves Conner Prairie, it has lots of room to run, farm animals, a big hill to run up and down or roll and a neat playground! So we started off heading to the barn to see the animals! We got to see the cow get milked(not old fashion style), she got to hold a baby chick and pet all the animals! There was even a big ole hog that was so ugly is was sort of cute! hehehe
We continued through checking out the hotel where it only cost 12 1/2 cents for the night...we learned how money was split back then which was very interesting! Then we went to the blacksmith to learn how different items where made, then the wood shop and even had a seat in a outhouse. Finally the winds calmed and the balloon launched and off we were to get out tickets! It was a pretty neat view at around 350ft up. Not a very long lift up about 10-15min but Kaylee LOVED it and that's what it was all about! :)
After the balloon we headed to the play ground where Kaylee thought the tire swing was the best thing ever. I haven't a clue how the girl did not puke as much as daddy swung her around and around but she'd stop and want more! That ended our day at the Prairie....and it was fun!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
September 26, 2010
Up Up we go... Birthday Balloon Voyage
September 14, 2010
HAPPY........I love that it only takes one simple word to describe my life and how I feel!
LOVE...its amazing, wonderful feeling to love and to be loved
As we look at our daughter we see....she is the meaning of LOVE! As I look at Jason I think lucky am I to be loved by a wonderful man and I LOVE and adore him and Kaylee so much. I wonder how it can be so wonderful but a little scary to... love so much! ♥
Sassy Girl!!!!
So Kaylee vocab is unreal now! At almost 4 the girl can say and remember everything. Lately she has been even more sassy than normal! hahaha Here are a few comments coming from our little darling!
"Mommy daddy doesn't respect I'm washing his car" she was squirting it with the water gun
"its not my responsibilty" I ask kaylee to please sit in her carseat and buckle herself in and not worry about the two I nanny for and thats the response I got!
"stay out of my business" not sure where this came from but she said it to daddy the other day during lunch. Guess he was in her business! hahaha
"it doesn't make since or that doesn't make since" she will say this just to say it! Or we'll be talking or her and Devyn will be chatting and she'll say well that doesn't make since! haha
September 5, 2010
Beautiful Day at Brown County
This Smile is what we live for and thrive for everyday! Isn't it the best
We had a wonderful relaxing day at Brown County and Kaylee had a blast.
We planned on taking a horse back ride but little Kaylee was too young right now to ride a big horse...dang it! But they did have pony rides and she pretty much still rode on her own, we just guided the pony! She loved of course......she LOVES horses!
It was nice to just casually walk around, look for things and play around!