Here is our first family pic since Kaylee was 10mon old! So its been a while. It turned out perfect! I just stare at it all the time!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
June 28, 2008
Family Pics
June 25, 2008
Another Seizure
Well Kaylee had another febrile seizure around 3:45 this morning! This time she was with her mamaw and papaw's though! I took her out to my moms at 10am and dropped her off! ALL day long I called checking on her and she was fine and playing like crazy! NO signs of being sick at all! Jason and I go out there when he got home so he can see his sweetie and she is still fine we left at 7:30pm. My mom said Kaylee felt warm but we just chalked it up to her playing so much and she had just got out of a nice warm bath. Kaylee went to bed at 8:30pm just fine and was sleeping great! Mamaw heard her wimpering a little at 3:45am and went in to get her and she was hot as crap and seizing! Same as in Feb when this happen! She was convulsing,eyes rolled back,stop breathing and her lips turned blue! My stepdad gave her mouth to mouth and my brother called 911! Of course in the mist of all of this they called Jason and I also and we flew out to my moms which is about 7m away or so. And we beat the ambulance, which pees us off........they should have been there before us going by where they are based! Anyway when Jason and I got there Kaylee was very lethargic and still out of it and hot. But by the time she was in the ambulance she was a little better and giving then heck......which is a good sign! So another eventful time in sweet lil Kaylees 1.5yrs! She is playing now but has also slept alot today which is what she really needs! I will be calling the pedi tomorrow for a follow up appt.
June 22, 2008
Just some random Kaylee things
Kaylees vocab is just wonderful! New words lately.......bubble, dave(her uncle)out(for outside, walmart(so funny and cute),wing(swing) and backpack. She really is learning a new one at least every other day! We are working on her ABC's which she will repeat A B C and D! If we say A B she will continue with C. She has learned to spin on the sit and spin and tries to teach her baby where its eye, nose, mouth and ears are!
She is still a very tempermented lil toddler! She definitly has the tantrums down! She has not been sleeping through the night for quite sometime and we have no idea why! So we are now co-sleeping at least part of the night/morning! She eats very well now and is growing like a weed! She doesn't really like the stroller but loves the wagon! She also likes the backpack when we go hiking or walking! We recently went to turkey run and shades state park and she loved it! She got to eat her first icecream cone....all by herself! We are having a blast with our lil sweetie and love her more everyday if thats even possible! Kaylee is becoming quite a wonder and smart lil girl!