Our Princess

Our Princess
Our Miracle

January 5, 2008


Ok I never thought this would happen........Kaylee climbed/fell out of her crib at 2:30am this morning! She woke up crying(the new thing),so we let her cry for just a bit thinking she would go back to sleep, nope! All of a sudden I hear a big "BUMP" I thought ok she bumped or kicked her crib railing, I still jumped up to check on her! I peek in her room and did see her standing and she was just wimpering a lil so I thought she was laying back down! Then I see a lil something move on the floor and there she was sitting on her floor in front of the crib! OMG I yelled "Jason she fell out" and he flew in the room! She was fine and just loved up to me for a little while and then was ready to play! WHEW, she was ok! We checked her over really good for any bumps and mostly her head and nothing. Then we proceeded to lower the crib to the lowest setting so she can't get out for sure! I felt so bad, Jason has mentioned several time in the past couple weeks that we should lower it and I thought the last time we did it was low enough. UGH! So there is Kaylee first big OUCHY!!! So we were up until 3:30 until she fell back asleep!

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