I just thought this was cute! Kaylee has been climbing for a little while and loves it! Her learning table use to keep her from going behind the chair but as you can see it no longer does! HAHAHAHA Its so wonderful to watch her grow right before our eyes! Its a little bittersweet seeing our baby girl grow to a toddler though! What a wonderful gift that has been given to us!!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
January 28, 2008
The Climber!
January 22, 2008
Our Furbabies
We can't forget about Max and Emit here! hahaha Here is a couple of pics of them with one of their sis's bibs on! The first is Max the 2nd is Emit! Emit is our attention getter so the bib fits him very well! He loves LOVE, licks, cuddles anything that means touching him! Max is a bit spoiled so his fits him well also! Max was our first furbaby and our only for a few years so he is the spoiled one and the one with an attitude! hahaha
Then here is a new one of the three of them!
January 19, 2008
Poor sick Princess
Monday the 14th Kaylee got the flu for the first time! We've been so blessed that she hasn't gotten sick and she has been so healthy! 6am monday morning she woke up throwing up! And let me tell you that is the worst thing I've saw(other then the NICU) We felt so bad for her! When I first saw her start I just teared up cause there was nothing I could do for her to take it away. Poor baby had it coming from both ways too for a couple of days! Finally thursday was the last day she threw up but she still has a bit of an upset belly(if ya know what I mean) She is finally coming back around to being the rotten lil princess she is, which we love so very much! She only ran a very small fever but was so so sick for 4days steady! This morning she finally woke up smiling and ready to play! We can tell she is not 100% yet but close! She barely ate or drink while sick which worried us so much cause we didn't want her to get dehydrated! She is still not eating much but drinking has gotten better now that she can stomach her milk again! She just loves dairy which is great but when sick not so great! I slept on the floor in her room for a couple nights just so we knew we'd hear her if she needed us right away! Thankfully she did sleep pretty well and was such a lil trooper being so sick! Here is a picture of her just relaxing on day two of being icky! Thankfully mommy didn't get the flu bug but daddy did on the same day as Kaylee poor Jason got icky too!
January 9, 2008
Kaylee's 15 month update
Kaylee went for her 15mon shots/check up yesterday and it doing perfect! She hasn't been sick at ALL and is growing great! She is 21.6lbs & 31in! That is 25% in wt for her age & 70% in height for her age! The pedi is very impressed with her and says is looks like she is going to be a tall and lean lil princess! WOOHOO she is finally getting something from MOMMY.....height! LOL She did not however like being examined or held for shots! The shots went fine and did really bother her at all but she very much disliked daddy holding her for the shots! lol She wants to be on the move at all times! LOL She does have a lil welt on her leg but they said that is to be expected and maybe in the next few days she will get some bumps due to the measle/chicken pox vacc! We talked with him about the vaccinations and he assured us they were safe and didn't carry a risk of autisum or anything else! We talked about her eating habits. He recommend we offer he breakfast,lunch,dinner(and snacks of course) and if she doesn't eat one than move to the next, not to continue offering her food! We just offer her food all the time because she doesn't eat much and sometimes skips meals! The pedi said that was fine she skipped meals and she would eat when ready! So we feel a little relieved now! We worried about her not eating enough but in reality we were expecting her to eat more than she wanted! But anyway! Thats how lil miss Kaylee is progressing.........PERFECTLY! Her are few more pics of her! I love the onsie she has on........fits just right! She was sooooo worth the wait! Also she loves getting her teeth brushed(all 12) so I added a pic of that too! She is just so a sweetie
January 5, 2008
Ok I never thought this would happen........Kaylee climbed/fell out of her crib at 2:30am this morning! She woke up crying(the new thing),so we let her cry for just a bit thinking she would go back to sleep, nope! All of a sudden I hear a big "BUMP" I thought ok she bumped or kicked her crib railing, I still jumped up to check on her! I peek in her room and did see her standing and she was just wimpering a lil so I thought she was laying back down! Then I see a lil something move on the floor and there she was sitting on her floor in front of the crib! OMG I yelled "Jason she fell out" and he flew in the room! She was fine and just loved up to me for a little while and then was ready to play! WHEW, she was ok! We checked her over really good for any bumps and mostly her head and nothing. Then we proceeded to lower the crib to the lowest setting so she can't get out for sure! I felt so bad, Jason has mentioned several time in the past couple weeks that we should lower it and I thought the last time we did it was low enough. UGH! So there is Kaylee first big OUCHY!!! So we were up until 3:30 until she fell back asleep!
Happy New Year
Ok I'm late.......sorry! Anyway Happy New Year!!! What an awesome,wonderful,exciting year it has been! Kaylee has grown so much, she is very healthy and learning everyday! It has been beyond what I expected being a mother and Jason being a father! The most fulfilling part of our lives! We are so blessed and know we will continue to be this year! Thank you all for being a part of our most exciting year yet!! Love ya all!
To start the new year off we joined the YMCA. Jason and I can workout, swim with Kaylee and hopefully get her to like the childcare they offer! Its such a neat deal and what better way to get back in shape! I hope to lose about 15lbs and get a nice toned body again! HAHAHAHA Its nice to have Kaylee right there with us in the same building also! However since she is with us all the time(not complaining, love it) she doesn't like the childcare the Y offers! But maybe in time she will and if not there is alway meme,nana or aunt lisa!
O and Kaylee's new word of the year is Jolie which is her cousin! OMG how cute it is when she says Jolie! She just LOVES Jolie!! Also her is a pic of Kaylee, she never liked paci but found one in her toy box and loved it for a little while! hahaha She looked cute(as usual)!!