Well tonight kaylee took her first forward crawl! She'll do about three knees forward before she stops now! She was just going backwards and rocking for a couple weeks now! Its was so awesome, Jason and I both got to see her do it! We've been so lucky in sharing ALL of her first milestones together! Anyway she's been working so hard to crawl and has had the forward hand motion for a couple days now just not the knees! She is also pulling herself up to her knees on everything now, soon she'l be to her feet! We have lots to get Kaylee proofed! HA HA HA I'll post again when she got it good, hopefully thats before her 10mon update! Bye for now
UPDATE Well she made it before 10 months!!! As of Sat. 7/28 Kaylee is an official CRAWLER! She's got it down pat! She's also pulling herself up to her feet now!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
July 26, 2007
Crawling Beginner!
July 14, 2007
Kaylee's Milestones!!
Two big milestone happened the past two days for Kaylee!
First yesterday(7/13)she pulled herself up to her knees in her crib! Now we are just waiting for the standing up!
Then just a few minutes ago while playing in her crib she said.............MAMA 3 times!! SOOOOOO AWESOME!! WOOHOO KAYLEE
Edited: Kaylee has also been giving out kisses for a couple weeks now, I just forgot to post it! Is too cute to see her do it! And we just love it!
July 5, 2007
All American Kaylee!
Yesterday was the 4th of July and Kaylee loved it! We stayed here in Noblesville for the firework show! First we visited papa Spurrier and Kaylee got to eat some chocolate icecream with papa which she loved! Then we met up with mama/papa Paro, aunt Carrol and cousin Matthew to watch the fireworks! Kaylee was so interested and watch almost the entire show! She didn't get fussy or anything! WOOHOO Happy 4th of July!!
WOW 9 months! The past 9 months have been wonderful and Kaylee has grown/developed so much. She is now 19lbs and 27.5in! She is also scooting around and rolling everywhere finally! The past few days now she has started getting on all fours and rocking....its so cute! I'm thinking within the next few weeks she'll be crawling maybe! WOHOOOOO !! Then I'll wish she wasn't mobile though! LOL SHe still becoming more vocal, not talking but screaming and laughing alot now! She is learning to make new sounds and her newest one sounds like she is choking or something. Scares the crap out of Jason and I! HA HA HA She loves finger foods, her favorite is cheerios soaked in a little milk and these things called wagon wheel puffs! She still likes the biter biscutes but I think prefers the puffs!
Now sleeping news is not good lately! She went from sleeping and napping really good to the following! kaylee has barely slept the past 4 nights on top of no naps either! We've done rocking, walking, driving and as horrible as it it is even benadyl. Nothing.... now all we have left is just put her in the crib and do the cry it out thing! I hate that but what else do you do? Jason and I have averaged about 4hrs a sleep a night for 4nights now....I don't know what happened to our sleeping girl! I feel bad for Jason cause he has to get up at 5:30 for work so he's really not getting much sleep! I can at least lay in bed while she screams at me and sometimes she even doses off for a bit so I can too! O well........she still cute as a button! LOL Well I think I covered everything! I will update next week after her 9mon check up/shots! We'll see what the pedi says about her! HA HA HA
Update: Kaylee 9mon check up went great! No shots this time, she won't get any shots until 12mons!! WOOOHOO!! She is falling in the 50th percentile which is perfect at 19lbs/27.5in! Dr.Ambre said we could start giving her more of our foods like cheese, cottage cheese and things like that. I've been giving her a little toast and cheerios which she loves so now we can try more things, that should be fun! He also said that it sounds like we really need to try the crying it out thing at night! He said eventally she will give up but Jason and I aren't so sure! HA HA HA The past three nights she has been sleeping good though so we'll see! She is doing great and developing perfect! Hopefully she won't be back to see him until her 1yr check up! O I can't forget Kaylee said "MU" the other day! HA HA HA its close to MA! HA HA BYE for now!