Our Princess

Our Princess
Our Miracle

April 5, 2007


Kaylee is now six months old, wow where has the months gone! She is doing great and growing like crazy still! We haven't measured her yet but I will update when I do! She is still working on her two bottom teeth and they are showing more each day! She is sleeping good and as happy as can be.
Update: She had her 6 month check up/shots and did great! She only cried for a couple seconds and it was over. Dr.Ambre said she is doing wonderful and it the size of a six month old. Before she was still a little small due to being a preemie but she is now 16lbs/26in is perfect. He told us she would completely catch up a couple months ago and he was right! He said to start giving her more babyfood cause I've only been giving it to her here and there maybe a couple jars a week. She should be eating about 1-3 jars a day now....HA HA I'm way behind. But it no big deal cause she is eating 7oz every 3hrs!!

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