Kaylee are you ready to see your brother"yea yea I can't wait"
Are you ready to have a baby in the house "O I"m not sure about that yet" LOL! "babies are alot of wook mommy" hahahaha
Our Princess
Our Miracle
November 30, 2011
Big sis thoughts
We Love You Baby Girl
To our Sweet Baby Girl....Kaylee Lynn Roberts
Mommy and Daddy love you so much! You have brought so much happiness, love and laughter to our lives. We are so blessed you are our daughter and hope you enjoy reading about growing up with you over the past 5 years.....the best 5 years of our lives. Tomorrow we welcome your little brother...I can't wait to see you holding him!
And comes a new beginning in our family...so comes a new blog-
Love you always and bunches
Mommy and Daddy
And the wait is over
Tomorrow is the day...Dec 1,2011 is delivery day! Kyle is ready....9am @ St Vincent Women's Center! I can't believe this is finally happening...the emotions are amazing!
Tomorrow starts a new time in our lives and family...we will be a family of four and I just can't wait! I can't wait to see my little girl and boy together...I can't wait to watch Kaylee turn into a big sister...I know she will be amazing!
My dreams have all came true...Live is so wonderful
November 28, 2011
Change of plans!
And we have a new plan of action! Amnio 9am wed 29th...if we have a go Thur Dec 1st will be Kyle's birthday! C section scheduled for 9:30am if all is good wed!
Due to all the complications I had and could face during delivery we and our doctor chose to deliver at 35wks if baby Kyle's lungs are ready! We are so excited but scared as well!
November 25, 2011
Almost Time for baby!
In just a few short weeks we'll be welcoming our baby boy to the world!
I've been having quite the problems lately and my body is not wanting to be pregnant anymore even though baby Kyle needs more time to bake!
I'm 34wks which is great but we need more! I just got out of the hospital a few days ago for preterm labor and preclamsia....so my time is very limited I'm sure! I'm hoping to through this week and to 35wks at least!
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving 2011
Today was a great day!
We had dinner at Dave and Lisa's and lots of chat time!
Kaylee had a good time eating lots of sugar and playing! She of course was cutier than ever. All day she'd say "Happy Thanksgiving" I love you...too sweet!
Wonderful day and so much to be thankful for....Our sweet girl and soon to be baby boy!