Last weekend we went to Turkey Run State Park, its not to far from home. Jason and I have always loved going there for the trails and hopefully Kaylee will also when shes bigger! Kaylee seemed to enjoy herself and didn't mind being in the backpack carrier all day(with breaks of course)! We hiked about 6 miles total, had a picnic and let Kaylee wade in sugar creek! The lil fish was nipping at her and our toes, that tickled! The weather was great and we all had a very nice day!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
August 24, 2007
Turkey Run State Park
The Cruiser is Climbing
Well now that kaylee has mastered crawling she has also mastered pulling up on EVERYTHING and climbing on us and the dogs! hahaha
She is now babbling all the time, saying mama more and now we are just waiting for dada! Hey she is a spitting image of her daddy so at least I got the first word! haha She is just doing wonderful! That eighth tooth I've been talking about is starting to show a bit and we are hoping its not going to make her cranky like the past seven have! Because..........we are going on Vacation!!! WOOHOO!! We are heading to Colorado. YEAH!!! We will be flying out Sept 1st and returning the 9th! Yep Kaylees first flight......should be very interesting! We are just so excited! We have some wonderful family(Hello Mari and Ruth) that are letting us stay in a cabin and borrow a car for the trip! How very generous is that! Jason and I have been a few years ago but taking Kaylee is going to be a whole new experiance and I know a wonderful one! She won't remember it but we will! and OMG we'll take a billon pictures probably! So I will post about our trip and Kaylee's 11mon update when we return. Other than preparing for the trip we are working on Kaylee's first birthday! We also went to the Indiana State Fair and she seemed to like the animals more now! She drank from a straw for the first time and was stunned! HA HA Thats all here. Here are some new pics of LIL Kaylee
August 3, 2007
WOW Lil Kaylee is a big 10 months! She is just amazing and so sweet! She is still 19lbs and 27.5in, the same as last month. Well as a posted she is now crawling very well and can get anywhere! She loves to see what she can get into but mostly she loves the dogs basket of toys the most! She had tons of neat toys but wants Max and Emits balls and bones! HA HA TOO FUNNY! Speaking of them two, kaylee loves them! Max is a bit iffy but is warming up to Kaylee alot here lately! He's growled a couple times and we corrected that very quickly and he is great now. He knows she is just as doment as us. Emit is still not sure about her and splits when she pulls at him! He's just a lovey dog and couldn't or wouldn't hurt a fly! HA HA Ok more on Kaylee now! She is also pulling herself up now(loves doing that)but has problems getting down! HA HA She has 4top teeth, 3bottom and working a 4th bottom! She doesn't really like babyfood any longer so we are working on BIG GIRL foods now. She is eating more table foods now like, mac&cheese,crackers,some meat and veggies! We went this evening for pictures and she did smile once! HA HA HA She is not sleeping well at night again so we are trying to teach her and ourselves how to make her a better sleeper! An internet friend sent me a book to read to help educate me on sleeping and has also gave me some great advice. Gotta love internet buddies! Hope it helps, poor kaylee and parents are pooped! Well I think I covered it all but if not I will edit when I remember things!