Yesterday I set kaylee in between my legs and to my amazement when I moved she didn't fall. She stayed up all by herself for about 20sec or so, I got to snap a quick picture of her doing it! Check her out now! She also has both bottom teeth showing now! I'll get a picture once they are in enough to photograph!
Our Princess
Our Miracle
March 30, 2007
Look at Kaylee now!
March 27, 2007
Look at my ears!!!
This past Friday(3/23) Kaylee and her cousin Jolie got their ears pierced together at Libby Lue. Jolie went first and did great! She was nervous but stayed strong! Kaylee was next and OMG she screamed! I felt so bad! But after about a minute she was done and ok! She was ready for her bottle!! She looks so cute though and doesn't even realize they are there. I clean/turn them 3x's a day and she does really good at letting me mess with them. Here is a cute picture of her!
March 23, 2007
Its teething time!
Well kaylee has been teething for about a month or so now! She's been very fussy for a week or so now and we know why!! Her first tooth broke through Wed March 21st at 5 1/2months old on the bottom!! Its her front tooth! Tue she was a pistol and screamed all day which made mommy want to pull her hair out! HA HA We knew something was wrong and it was probably her teething but then she started grapping her left ear! So after a day long fit we made her an appt with Dr.Ambrea wed just to check her ears! O my what an ordeal, he had to clean some wax from her ear to see and she cried like never before. O my heavens did I feel bad, I just wanted to grap her and say no more, but it had to be done. The exam was done and he said her ears were perfect no infections, just waxy! Then he checked her gums and said her problem was the teething. He bottom gums was very swollen and about to break through. I thought I had felt something before he came in the room but wasn't sure. Then we he said it was close I thought UMMM I did feel it. At home later on I was rubbing her gums for her(she loves it)and BAM there it was clear as day, a nice sharp little edge. We can't quite see it yet, just white gum but I betting here in a week we'll see a bit of it. She has been so happy since Wed, that tooth was just hurting so bad trying to break through. She has been giggling all the time and is loving playing with her feet! O she is wonderful! Heres she is in her exersaucer! She still a bit little for it but she looks so cute in it!
March 5, 2007
Hello everyone! Kaylee is now 5months old! Wow has time flown! She is getting so big and learning many wonderful things each day now! We are just in amazement with her,she is just wonderful! She is now sleeping in her crib, no more swing! She is eating baby food and does not like squash! Her favorite so far has been prunes! Yesterday at her great great grandmas she ROLLED for the first time!! It was really neat and a big milestone. She just looked like what happened after she rolled! She rolled from belly to back two times in a row! She is about 15lbs & 24in long! She has found her feet now and likes to grap them but still loves to have her hand in her mouth! She is so funny! She is also grapping for her toys on the floor playgym now! She gets so mad cause she can't get the toy in her mouth yet! WOW what a temper she has already! HAHAHA
As for all of us we are ready for SPRING AND SUMMER! The dogs are about to go nuts inside cope up! They have so much energy and are about to bust! HAHA Our 14in of snow has pretty much melted from last months winter storm and the temps are suppose to start going up! We'll see about that! We can't wait to take Kaylee swimming,to the park, bike riding, walking,and O VACATION!!! We bought her first swimsuit yesterday! Its soooo cute! What a wonderful wonderful year this will be finally! We've waited so long for little Kaylee and all the great times ahead! Its going to be a great summer full of new experiances for us, we can't wait!!